Sunday, 29 July 2012

Your child’s personality development

You will notice your child’s unique personality when he makes a choice like picking the teddy bear and rejecting the rattler. Your child’s personality is growing and changing between the ages of 3 and 5. What sort of changes can you expect from your child between the ages of three and five? How can you help your child’s personality blossom? Here are some tips to help your child express his true personality and become a well-adjusted child in society.

From the age of 3-5 your child develops many new features. At this stage they become more comfortable at expressing themselves with words.  During these years children also gain greater self-control.  They begin to rely more on themselves than on others.  They start learning how to calm themselves when they get excited, frightened or upset.  They start becoming more attentive and less emotionally reactive.  Children also start building their self-confidence at this stage. They gain experience in learning how to treat others.  When kids reach the age of 5 they start showing a greater concern for mom and dad. They begin to understand that you have your own needs and feelings too. They also begin displaying affection and develop a fantasy life. They may swing between being demanding and being co-operative. Here are steps you could take to help your child’s personality develop fully and freely.

Keep in mind that your child is unique. Children differ remarkably from each other. Healthy personality development is possible by parenting that is sensitive to the individual needs of the child. 

Encourage your child to play. This hugely influences a child’s personality. Giving your child time to play is the most important factor in helping your child’s personality blossom. Play helps a child develop physically, mentally and emotionally.  It develops their skill at working in groups, settle conflicts, helps in developing their imagination and try on different roles. When children play they get to practice decision making. They also learn to stand up for themselves, create, explore and lead.

Avoid labeling your child as you want your child to develop his own individual personality without being influenced by yours or anyone else’s.  Don’t label your child as emotional, bossy or tough and create confusion in his personality.

You are the person your toddler sees and imitates the most so set an example by being polite, courteous and well-mannered.

Allow your child to be himself and not a replica of you. You may want your child to imitate your ways but it is more important to allow your child to develop his own individual personality. Many experts recommend reading to your child and broadening their perspective. Support your child’s interests and help them develop their personality. You can allow your child to be himself and still encourage new interests and hobbies. Instead of trying to change your child’s personality give them support in directions that help their personalities grow.

By the time your child reaches the preschool years the major part of the personality is already stable and on display. 

How to make your child ready for Kindergarten school

Times are changing and most preschool franchises expect children to have some basic skills. Your child should be ready for kindergarten school. Most kindergarten teachers expect the children to know some letters and some sounds before they join kindergarten school. Here are some kindergarten readiness skills that your child should possess before he joins kindergarten. The first skill that your child should possess is the writing skill. Help your child practice writing by writing the letters in her name.  Teach your child to write her name the first letter in uppercase and the rest in lower case. Let your child scribble on the slate or write her name with sugar to make the learning more fun. Reading or letter recognition is the second skill that your child should possess. Play games to help your child recognize the letters of the alphabet.  You can play hide and seek with refrigerator magnets.  Don’t drill your child with flashcards instead use them to play some games like ask your child to fetch the right cards. Teach your child the sound of each letter by picking objects beginning with the same letter of the alphabet.

Emphasize the first sound in each word to teach your child the word. The next skill that your child has to learn is counting of numbers. Count all the objects you use throughout the day like the number of socks your child is wearing or the number of crackers he is eating. Point out to the numbers you see in your environment and make your child read them. Your child should also recognize shapes and colors by the time he or she reaches kindergarten.  If your child is having trouble recognizing some colors you can add some food colors to cookies and other food items to emphasize the colors. Show your child how to recognize different shapes by cutting them on paper and helping your child recognize them. Play a game where your child recognizes objects of certain shape and color in the neighborhood as you walk or drive together.

Your child’s motor skills can be developed by giving him different writing options like crayons, colored pencils and markers. Giving your child play dough to play will strengthen the muscles of the hand which will be used to write. Cutting is also a skill that your child has to learn. Purchase a pair of child safe scissors and allow your child to practice. Give your child old newspapers and magazines to cut up. Encourage your child to create a collage. You could also teach your child to cut play dough. For developing the reading skill run your fingers under the words as you read them. Play games with rhyming words to help your child identify similar sounding words. You also have to develop the attention span of your child read lots of stories to your child and see how long your child remains focused. Develop the social skills of your child. Give your child the opportunity to interact with other kids in various places. Also teach your child to express her feelings if he likes or dislikes something.  By practicing the above mentioned skills your child will be just ready for kindergarten school. 

Friday, 20 July 2012

Increasing the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Childhood Education

Education is vital to survive in this world. The Indian educational system is divided into various levels. Nursery school education is one of them. It is the first level of education that a child receives in this world. It is essential for a child’s proper growth.

Education is a necessary part of everybody’s life. It makes a great impact on everyone’s life. The educational background of a person decides the direction which his life is going to take. Education is a powerful weapon and stands by us against all odds. One must always value one’s education. A person’s whole career depends upon the education he possesses. A person’s real aim in life is the success he achieves in life and this is dependent on the education he has. Just as education is important in an individual’s life, the schooling he gets is an essential part of the education. Schooling in India is divided into primary, middle and secondary school education. Primary and pre-primary refers to the education a child receives from the age of three till the time he attains the fifth grade. Middle school refers to education a child has from the sixth grade to the eighth grade. Secondary refers to standards of ninth and above.

Earlier the educational bodies followed the concept of primary, middle and secondary school only, but today everybody is aware of pre-primary or nursery school education, most parents want to send there children to pre-primary schools to start their education early. Earlier when a child attained the age of five or six he was admitted to the first grade but today the child has to clear nursery and kindergarten before he is admitted to the first grade. The nursery level of education which is considered very important is two to three years of education which teaches a child several important skills. In a pre-school a child learns to identify colors, shapes, write alphabet, numbers and most important of all a child learns to adjust and socialize. A child who has attended nursery school and kindergarten school adjusts to primary school fast. To attend a nursery school the child has to begin school at the tender age of three and four. 

The present child starts his education very early as compared to the child of yesteryears who started his education at the age of five or six. Today because of the high demand of nursery school education you can find preschool franchisee mushrooming everywhere. For getting a child admitted to a kindergarten school, the child has to be taught the basics at home. This effort has to be made as a part of getting the child admitted to the best pre-primary school in town.  Different people have different views for pre-primary education. Some people feel it is not required while others recommend it highly. Most educationist today believe that children who have attended pre-primary school are better prepared to attend primary and secondary school and showed better math and reading skills. Such children were also socially well-adjusted children. Many educators believe that the pre-primary education provides a solid base to the child.

Early Childhood Care and Education in India

In India nursery school education is divided into three groups. The first is playgroup, lower kindergarten and upper kindergarten. Nursery school education helps a child in learning as by the play way method. In play school the children play with different materials. They also learn to adjust with other children and teachers and learn to cooperate, take turns and share. These are important socializing skills that they learn from nursery school. Nursery school education is a stepping stone to a child’s education. When you send your child to pre-school you learn many things about your child by observing your child’s behavior.
Pre-school education is important for the all round development of your child. Here the child develops important skills like basic motor skills. Nursery education helps in building healthy habits, good muscular co-ordination and basic motor skills. Through nursery school education a child becomes independent and develops a sense of responsibility. He starts doing certain tasks independently like dressing up by himself and gets toilet trained. The child also develops important physical, emotional and cognitive skills.

Your child also learns how to express and control emotions.  Nursery school education makes a child develop social skills and teaches him manners so essential for survival in the society. A child learns how to appreciate art, music and beauty in a preschool. It is essential for your child to attend all the three levels of pre-school to learn the essential skills required to adjust and perform in elementary school. In a preschool a child is encouraged to be independent and creative. After a child completes the upper kindergarten he joins the first grade which is the beginning of elementary school.

When the child goes to preschool he is separated from his parents and the child learns to deal with the anxiety associated with the separation. Before attending preschool the child is completely dependent on his parents and spends time in the company of his parents. After attending nursery or kindergarten school your child learns to associate with children his age and teachers thus he learns an important social skill of mixing up with others. In a preschool a child plays with puzzles and other toys that develop his problem solving skills. Thus a child develops a lot in a pre-primary school.  A lot of value is attached to pre-school education as it teaches the child several essential skills to survive in this world.

Teachers who have worked in nursery schools state that while working in preschools they have noticed that while developing the all important alphabetical skills, math skills, social skills and problem solving skills children in preschools also develop a sense of competition. They don’t want to be left behind. Pre-primary schools prepare children socially and academically. In pre-school children learn self-control as the teacher gives instructions. Children learn basic skills of integrity and obedience and grow up into responsible citizens. Thus children who attend Pre School do well in all spheres of life. While playing in playschools children learn new things and develop the all important problem solving skills. At a playschool a child becomes more confident and independent.

Friday, 13 July 2012

The importance of preschool education in India

Children in India have an additional burden; they have to learn another language which is different from their native language. They find that the medium of instruction is English, which is different from their first language which may be Hindi, English, Marathi, Bengali or some other language. For this reason and many others it is important that you send your child to preschool. The sooner they begin learning the English language the better it is for their future education. Working as well as stay-at-home mothers should consider sending children to preschool because it helps the child’s personality develop into a well-rounded personality. Here are five important reasons why you should send your child to preschool:

Brain develops the fastest and the development is highest during the first four years of a child’s life. The brain forms significant neural paths to develop the child’s ability to learn and store information. It develops the child’s ability to learn and perform well. Children learn rapidly and they want and they should be given new information to learn. At this stage you will find that a child’s brain is like a sponge. It absorbs any new experience it comes across. Children’s brain learns new information and stores it. It absorbs so many new inputs that it is often saturated with new inputs. Parents need to see that the child sleeps for ten hours because their brain also requires adequate rest. Your child can benefit immensely when he is interacting in a quality preschool, because of the kind of inputs they provide. A quality preschool is information rich and provides appropriate materials.

Besides brain development the child also goes through structural development. Structure is very important for your child. A preschool provides proper structural environment. Your child thrives in a loving structured environment that provides him with colors, pictures, attractive classroom layout and on the whole a stimulating environment. The child learns the concept of routine and starts expecting the next activity. The little brains of children find a sense of security and belonging in the activity at the school which is familiar and comforting. Once your child begins to settle with the structure and environment in the classroom, it builds a foundation for future scholarly education which is more structured and demanding.

Social skills are another important set of skills that children learn at preschool. It is better to help your child develop social skills in preschool, instead of waiting till kindergarten. It has also been found that older children who never attended preschool don’t have the necessary social skills to cope with their environment. Social skills like taking turns, when to say please and thank you, how to listen, helping each other, playing together are all essential. Children who do not learn these skills early have adjustment problems. Nursery school is an important place to learn the all essential social skills, which will pull your child from being a shy, reticent child to a self-confident and well-adjusted child.

Academics are now considered the all important skills and children are expected to learn these in nursery school. Children who attend nursery school show a better grasping of academics than those who never attended nursery school.

Nursery school education essential part a of child’s growth

Nursery school education lays down the foundation of education in your child’s life. It is the foundation for an ongoing learning experience. Nursery school education involves educating your child after he has attained the age of two-and –half to five years of age.  This is a vital stage in your child’s life. At this stage the child’s brain is receptive to stimulation and it responds to specific type of learning. In nursery schools qualified, trained and experienced teachers are hired to teach your child, something that you can’t achieve at home. The nursery schools address the special needs of the child. Nursery school education leads to the physical, emotional and cognitive development of your child. This education prepares your child for kindergarten and elementary school.

In a nursery school the child is exposed to verbal stimulation in the form of talking, singing and reading on a regular basis. In India nursery school education is not considered a compulsory part of education, yet it has been found that children who attend nursery school are better prepared for learning. Children who have attended pre-primary school are quicker, more attentive and better prepared for learning in primary school. In India nursery schools prepare children for attending kindergarten and primary school. They teach children by the play way method. These schools work in close understanding with the parents and together they address the learning needs of the child. The areas that they mainly focus on are development of communication skills, Math skills, personal, social and emotional development. An essential part of preschool education is giving your child an understanding of the world, this prepares your child better for facing the world and your child is more self-confident.

The pre-primary education in Hyderabad addresses all these needs of the child. It helps in making the child a balanced and healthy individual. In large cities like Gurgaon, parents have very little time to devote to their children. Pre-schools in Gurgaon aim at the all-round development of the child. In busy cities nursery schools become an important part of a child’s growth. The Little Millennium preschool in Gurgaon aims at the al-round development of the child. This school with its scientific curriculum believes in nurturing the child. Nursery school education broadens the entire thinking and perspective of the students. Children are mentally and emotionally prepared for the future world in good nursery schools.

Nursery schools that encourage a child to speak his mind make the child more self-confident and also develop his ability to communicate. Children need to be exposed to the outside world and communicate with the people outside of home. Preschool provides a platform of communication for children.

Children work and play with other children at nursery school. This instills in them the importance of team work. Working and playing in teams improves the child’s relationship with his peers and also with his teachers.

One of the most important things that a preschool teaches to a child is good learning habits. This holds him in good stead for his present and future life. Nursery school education for the above mentioned reasons is vital for the child.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Little Millennium Congrats Dheeraj for entering “India Book of Records”

Mr. Kalyan and Mrs. Leena are the proud parent of Dheeraj. He is 2+ years and was able to identify 215 country flags in 2minutes and 19 seconds and won the 'India Book of Records". He was also awarded "The Youngest to identify most number of Flags".

When asked his mother about his intelligence level; she stated that he has very good in visual and Verbal Intelligences. When he was 8 to 9months old his mother developed his skills by playing CDs and showing Flashcards from "Your Baby can Read " and little Dheeraj was so happy to see the flash cards. Later his mother used to make flash cards and teach him about numbers, alphabets, animals, fruits..Etc

It happened a day when she had shown him a chart on flags and he was able to learn all the name of the flags on the chart. Later Dheeraj was introduced to many flags and his verbal and Visual Intelligence helped him to learn as many as 220 flags.

His mother wanted him to get recognised for his intelligence and applied to 'India Book of Records' and after abiding with rules and regulations of the adjudicators; Little Dheeraj broke the Record on 22nd April 2012(2yrs,9mnths) in identifying 218 flags. But three names of flags were not clearly pronounced. So it was only 215 flags.

Today Dheeraj is able to know inventors and their Inventions correctly.  His proud parents are waiting for the proud moment when he would be entering to the "Guinness Book of World Records" that would shortly be in July end or in August.

He did study at Little Millennium- Hebbal Bangalore.

Prepare your child for nursery school

A preschool is very different from a day care centre. Don’t make the mistake of confusing between the two. A preschool teaches different skills to your child and prepares him for kindergarten and elementary school. A day care centre on the other hand takes care of the child while the parents are away. Both of them may provide meals as some preschools have mid day meal schemes. The other schools expect the child to bring Tiffin from home. Your child’s entry into preschool can be daunting experience for your child and a source of anxiety for you too. You may worry whether your child will adjust to the changed environment or not. You won’t need to worry if you prepare your child with some activities that ensure that your child’s transition to preschool is smooth. Please remember to keep all learning activity playful. Make sure entering a preschool doesn’t become a chore for your child. Entering play school should appear like a fun activity to your child. He should be told that there will be many fun activities in the preschool like making new friends of his age, learning new skills like art and other social skills. Get the details of the preschool you are sending your child to. Do they have many play activities? What is their medium of instruction? Have a detailed conversation with your child’s teacher.

Before you send your child to preschool, plan some social activities where your child is exposed, to other children of his age, if your child has not been exposed to children his age before, this is the time to introduce the concept of doing things together and being cooperative. Use role play to familiarize your child to preschool. Take turns playing the teacher and the parent to make him totally comfortable with the concept of playschool.

Make sure you introduce the concept of preschool gently so that your child feels he is in a familiar environment when he goes to preschool. Your child will feel comfortable because you have gently introduced the concept of preschool to him. Act out all the activities your child will do at preschool like saying bye to parents, singing songs, reading stories, playing with other children and also taking naps. Make all these activities full of fun so that your child takes part in everything enthusiastically. Reassure your child that his playschool is going to be fun and he will learn many new things at his preschool.

Play with your child and discuss play school with him before sending him to preschool. Introduce the idea that preschool will teach him many new and interesting things. Act out all the activities your child will do before leaving for school like taking off her coat wearing shoes and keeping them. Race your child to wearing shoes and say, “let’s see who wears shoes faster and reward your child when he does as expected.
If your child has some kind of apprehensions about the new place he is going to, reassure him and tell him it is normal to have anxiety about visiting a new place. Make sure that your child is completely at ease with the new phase that he is going to begin in his life.